Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How bad is this gingivitis?

well really i have gingivitis but i think its not that bad i mean when i brush it doesn't bleed its like 2 out of 10, it might bleed, sometimes its cause I put to much pressure while brushing. I brush my teeth normally i used to brush it three times a day I don't know why but yeah no dentist told me to I just felt like doing it now I stopped and just brush my teeth two times a day now I had it for a long time it doesn't trouble me at all it never gave me problems so yeah what can I actually do to cure them? I know I should have gone to the doctors so I might but yeah just some answers will be nice thanks

My long haired cat has terrible knots help!?

I have two long haired cats that I do groom. However, one has very thick dense hair and the kitty brush just doesn't get right in, underneath. My cat hates grooming for any length of time, and now yet again has belly knots. I will have to get him shaved again, but in the meantime, how can I prevent this? any suggestions on good cat brushes for extra long haired cats?

How can I even out my chest? One side will not grow as fast.?

After high school I started to weight train 4-5 times weekly. As my chest started to grow I noticed the upper part of my right pec will not develop. I have been told use dumb bells to even out, but I was told by the doctor that will not work. My chiropractor said that when I played baseball I partially told a muscle from throwing. It was so minor that I never noticed or experienced pain, but when it grew back it grew back tight. That is why the upper part does not look as full as the other side. I was instructed to massage it in certain parts. I have not done it as consistently as I should. I pretty much only do it when it frustrates me so much from looking at it. Most people don't notice it, but I do and it bothers me. Has anyone else ever experienced this, and what did you do?

Which music artists/groups are similar to...?

I love, love, love Marina :P <3 So maybe Regina Spektor, Oh Land! Spark (the music), YADi, Pearl and the Puppets, Jessie J or Clare Maguire <3 They are all amazing <3

Where is the best place to fish at Grapevine Lake?

I was looking and there are 5 locations Meadowmere Park, Oak Grove Park, Murrell Park & Twin Coves Marina, Twin Coves RV Park, Marshall Creek Park.. I do not have a boat so it has to be like shoreline/pier. Also its has to be a good camping spot.. Thank You so Much for your help

Is an inch of toothpaste okay to swallow?

I was brushing my teeth a little while ago an i put around an inch, maybe an inch and a half of toothpaste on the brush. Usually after you're done brushing, you spit and you see most of it come back out. I didn't see around an inch come out, I only saw a little and saliva. So I may have swallowed some, I'm not 100% sure. But I was just wondering if it's only harmful if you swallow a massive amount like an entire tube or even half the tube?

Accidentally fell asleep with crest whitestrips on?

I don't think so call someone and ask them mostly I think you will just have really white teeth after they set all the way in

Something wrong with my braces?

i have had my braces on for a while and the gums in a specific area sometimes bleed. i brush and i try to floss but they still bleed in that one area. could the wire be cutting into my gums?

Candy is stuck in my braces and on my tooth?

go to your dentist or orthodontist and have it taken doing it will cause damage or pull out braces.Leaving it in will cause tooth decay.Do it ASAP

Can minors be issued civil traffic violations without parents being contacted in AZ?

Son (13yrs.) received warning from local cop not to ride off-road dirtbike in the area and instructed son to "get home in a civil manner". Parent was not contacted at this encounter. Then approx 20-30 min later son was spotted by same officer riding at 5mph or less on dirt shoulder of road (headed home in "civil manner"). Officer issued 5 citations (28-2532A, 28-3151A, 28-4135A, 28-925A, 28-924A). Parents were never contacted by police and dirtbike was impounded. What are a minors rights in this situation if any? State of Arizona

Trouble filling narcotic script out of state?

I have had an oxy script for over a year through my usual Florida doctor. I recently moved to Texas for the summer until I return to Florida for school. I tried to find a doctor in Texas and found a really sub-par doctor who didn't even look at my back, or ask why I had pain. I have been instructed by my lawyer to continue seeing my Florida doctor instead since I will be returning there anyways. I went to finalize my move home a week ago and went to my usual Florida doctor who wrote my usual script. I am now back in Texas and am scheduled to get my script filled next week and was wondering if I will have problems? I go through Walgreens, and have used Walgreens for all my oxy scripts so there is a record. Will the Walgreens in Texas not let me fill my florida script? I have a Florida ID, but a Texas current address. Texas filled my ambien script through the same Florida doctor, by calling it in, if that adds anything...Any insight would be appreciated.

Am so confused about pregnancy test and implantation. NO I DONT WANT TO KNOW IF IM PREGNANT!?

Since your periods are irregular take the test 4 weeks after your last period. The best time to take it is with the very first urine in the morning. Your hormones will be higher.

The other day my hubby qot n2 sum brush in the backkyardd &&now he has small bumps that resemble pimple?

they cannot be pimples thouqhh they have yellow puss in em they're excessivee they itch &&they r painful he's 27 &&has NEVER had acne what could this be??

My girlfriend is getting an abortion so should I take her to Mcdonalds before or after to celebrate?

Whether I take her to Mcdonalds or not she's getting dumped soon after the procedure for putting us in this horrible situation to begin with. She lied and said she was on the pill so now I'm about to get a little Leykis 101 revenge on her by considering buying her an Egg Mcmuffin as Tom instructed and a hash brown as a reward for getting the abortion and tricking her into thinking I'll still be with her boyfriend afterwards but since I'm already paying for the abortion in more ways than one I figured I'd ask Yahoo answers if she even deserves an egg Mcmuffin at this point?

How to master/edit vocals?

aviary .com also has some really nice tools free online and easy to use so if you can work with music then all you have to do is just introduce the vocals into the timeline lay down the track and the just drag and drop the vocals into the time line i would probably edit down the the vocals in audacity trim down unwanted parts and then mix them together in aviarys.coms myna

I had a dream about a man i feared (i dont know him though) i used sex to try to calm he put maggots on me?

I had a dream about a man i feared ( but did not know), i was naked and so he seemed as well, i used sex to calm him but while he was fondling and performing oral sex on me he threw maggots on me....i got upset and brushed them off...i stopped having sex and asked if he placed them inside me as well he said no i was convinced he did and started putting my fingers up inside to check i removed one maggot there didn't seem to be anymore but kept wondering if.......................

What's the title of this movie?

I watched it when I was a kid and I can't remember what movie it was! Argh, all I can remember was that it was a 80s 70s kids movie... with a lot of magic... and there was this scene where a girl had her hair growing non stop and to help her her family started making paint brushes out of her hair or something. Anyone knows what I'm talking about??

HELP! Really bad rosacea flare-ups on my nose?

Good hygiene, eating healthy and low stress should keep acne away. Try some great OTC products like Niapads, Cetaphil etc. Remember, the most effective treatment is one that is simple to use. For eg. cut a piece of Niapads, moisten it with water and place it on the yet to come to surface acne. Active ingredients penetrate skin and get rid of acne bacteria. Routine use of Niapads helps exfoliate, open clogged skin pores and gets rid of acne in one simple step without drying your skin. Contains Lavender oil – well known moisturizer.

Fish tank has gone cloudy... What has made it do that?

This is a bacterial bloom caused by the cycling process, it will clear up when the tank has cycled. Good luck

Fluttering/twitching feeling under left rib followed by sharp pain?

I have scholosis (spell?) and just found out I have severe cervical dysplasia. I have been stressed and have really bad anxiety. It isnt bend over cant move pain just kinda uncomfortable. When I press on the spot it stops but it has went from just happening every once in a while to being constant. I have read it can be anything from mucsle spasm to galdbladder. I just dont want to brush it off in case it could be something serious but I also dont want to rush to the ER and it be nothing. Any help would be great

Best MAC foundation? help.?


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do you think she was checking me out or no?

I was in the grocery store when I noticed this pretty girl looking at me. As soon as I noticed her looking at me, she cut down an isle real quickly. As she did this, she brushed up against the shelving and kept moving along.

Would texturizers work on my hair?

im white, but i have very curly, think, unbareable hair. It's never been colored or straightened or anything. but i want to be able to brush it when its dry and wear it down with no products in it, and have it look pretty and normal. What should i do???!!!

Is there a government agency that I can report unfair employee treatment by employers?

I work for a company and recently found out that much of the managment is instructed to find the "weakest links" and purposely give them unaccomplishable tasks in order to give them "coaching" and "corrective action" so as to lead up to termination. They're basically purposely trying to make you fail so as to fire you. I want to know where I can report this cause it's obviously illegal. Is there some sort of government agency in which I can report this company to and actually have something done about it? Aparently it's orders handed down from corporate so going with HR or corporate won't get anything done.... Is there anything becaus I don't want this injustice going on without at least something being done!!!

I have configured my Outlook 2003 to your specifications for my Yahoo email, but I still cannot send mail?

Ok, my internet provider is Verizon Fios. We have WiFi all over the house. I have used the settings for the outgoing or SMTP as you suggested - 465, and I test as instructed. The test says everything is working, but I still cannot send mail.

Nail polish bottle thing?

Could you clean of the brush part of the nail polish top thing and use it in a different color or would that mess it up?

Kiss Nail Kit... Help!?

Me and my friend wanna do our nails rite? We don't wanna spend that much money at duh salon. Were only 12 so yea. But I was thinking If we can do our own nails. I saw this kit last time at Wal Greens And would like to know how much they last, and how many nails come in it and we want a good kit. One that comes with like the acrylic nail tips,glue,brush,etc. well all that. If you have seen this kit before and tryed it out please I would like to know how it went. And if you can leave the name of the kit you used. Thanks :]

How effective are the Combat baits used for killing small roaches?

Quicker remedies would be to go an buy an aerosol fogger, or some sort of smoke bomb it would kill all living roaches then you should of followed up with roach baits. that way when the babies arrive they would eat bait an die they last at least a few months or so but are not as good as foggers for immediate satisfaction.

Oral hygene question?

I was wondering if its really necessary to have fluoride while you have braces. I brush 4-5 times a day i floss twice a day and i use listerene mouthwash after i brush my teeth an i use picks to get inside gums and take food out.

Math help please i need you dont know how much i appreciate this <3?

Ask your teacher for help. It's not that hard, and neither is this work. Maybe if you used your head before you start begging for answers, you might actually accomplish something.

Every time I brush my teeth I bleed BUT THIS TIME?

Okay I decided to be more caring for my teeth, but everytime i brush my teeth i bleed but this time I barely even bleed? what now? AND I BRUSHED VERY HARD

Name 8 kids using these names...?

Alec Seth, Tristan Graham, Garrett Harrison, Joel Brendan, Delia Brielle, Camille Kylie, Jocelyn Liza, Lydia Mirabelle

My Bird is Lost can anyone help please?

Can it fly? It will most likely not survive because it is a captive bird, i'm sorry. Put up flyers. Put its cage at your backyard or the roof where your bird can see it, so when it wonders hungry around and saw its cage, it will make its way back since thats its source of food. Inform ur neighours to contact u if they see a cockatiel that is why i say put flyers. If it cant fly, no use putting the cage on the roof. Or you can even try spreading its seeds to the places where you think he might be at. Good luck.

Why is my ex still super touchy feely?

whenever I hang out with my ex he always find excuses to touch me or brush up against me. When we hang out, he always gives me a long hug hello and goodbye. when he hugs me, he hugs tightly me from 20-30 seconds, rubs my back, and sways me back and forth. is he just cuddly or is it something else?

How to take care of gums?

I have braces and my gums have been swollen sense I've gotten them. I floss and brush as instructed but the swelling will not go down. My dentist yelled at me because of this and I have an appointment in 2. Weeks help me please?

Is my house haunted? Or am I paranoid ?

Okay so we recently moved into my grandmas house(she died in 2006, other people moved in but then moved out so we bought it) and a lot of creepy crap is happening. I have been a skeptic all my life and i have never believed in ghosts until now. Whenever i would watch a monster or ghost movie i would get bored because i knew it was fake(this started when i was 8).I'm 15 now and thinking completely different about the paranormal. From the second i walked in i felt like i was being watched, at first i brushed it off that all those restless nights packing had gone to my head. All the time though the feeling surrounds me. Sometimes its so intense i feel like i'm going to vomit. I see things out of the corner of my eye, like shadows or things in the mirror. Sometimes i will lose things and find then days later in a completely different place. I hears footsteps outside my door and voices as well. My dog, who has never done this before, stares at my bedroom wall when there is nothing there, he growls sometimes to. My cat refuses to come inside my house and has become an outdoor cat. I read something online that said to get a digital recorder and ask questions, so i went out and purchased one and did so. I got nothing so i turned it on and left the room. My mom and sister were out shopping and my dad was outside with a friend so i thought it was a perfect time to get evidence. I thought i wouldn't get anything, but when i reviewed the recording the was this weird humming, and towards the end this loud growl. It really scared me and made me question my own sanity. I'm currently trying to get it on my computer. My dad says he had nothing happen to him but that his sisters and his mom said the house was haunted but i thought he was just messing with me. But now i think different. I feel like asking his sisters about they're experiences but i don't want them to think i'm crazy. I think i should go to the library and search the history about the area and the house. My dad hasn't had anything happen to him, but my mom has. She said she sees shadows of people outside the window, and sometimes her door will fling open. The door is a heavy wooden door that's hard to open as is, so wind in not a way to debunk it. My sister who is 7 refuses sleep alone. She says there are people in her room. Really i want to know what to do, i can barely stand this stuff any longer! It makes me terrified to sleep in my own bed or be in my own room!

Uterine thickening....bulky uterus, questions.....scared?

The D&C was just to clean out your womb and the biopsy was probably just to check why it was thick for future references. it sounds like poly cystic ovaries (PCOS) Endometrial hyperplasia is thickening of the uterus and there is several reasons you could have this and it is connected to hormones and can be because of diabetes, overweight and the menopause. Good luck

Would it be a crime for an underage child to sell unsuitable pictures of themselves when they became adults?

Yes, it is illegal. Anyone who takes a pucture of someone under the age of 18 at the time a lewd or nude picture is taken, is a child pornographer. Just because that person is 18 outside the picture, does not change the picture itself.

Brown Vaginal Discharge- Pregnant?

I had sex a week and a half ago. We used a condom, but I felt worried because it was half off when he pulled out. So, I took Plan B two days after (which it said that it works up to 72 hrs after sex, so I was in the time frame). I don't really have any pregnancy symptoms except I'm peeing a little more than usual (or I'm just paranoid and keeping track?)... Anyways, I should be expecting my period sometime this week. But I realized that I have this brown vaginal discharge. It has some clots too. I looked it up online and it said that it could mean pregnancy! Which freaks me out. Could it possibly just mean that my period is on the way? I really don't have any other pregnancy symptoms and I took the emergency contraceptive as instructed.

The wire for my braces is just barely too long?

The wire on the left side sticks out just a tiny bit. Like, maybe half a millimeter. But it pokes my cheek and really hurts, particularly when I eat. I put some wax on it but I've discovered the wax comes off whenever I eat or brush my teeth. Will the dentist clip a wire that's so barely too long or will I just have to keep the wax on it?

Who sings "I am not a robot" in the bupa advert?

Hoodie Allen - You Are Not A Robot a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Catholics, If Peter was the first pope than why?

If Peter was the first pope and the representative God had chosen to instruct his followers than why does the New Testament have more writings by Paul than Peter?

Think ill get caught with my moped?

My grandma doesn't want me to use a moped i just bought but i think i could leave it at a marina really close to me. My brother and i have to share a car and work in opposite directions so it would be very convenient to use it. We start work at the same time so we would both drive to the moped and then go to work from there. I've never run into my grandma on the road and i have been working here for 4 years. My grandma would be very mad if she found out and would probably not want us to continue coming down to her summer house in the summers. I am 20 and my brother is 18.

How to download apps to Android mobile phone?

You just have to register it with your gmail account from the phone itself. When you press market it should prompt you to register the phone with a gmail account, at which time it allows you to either create a new gmail account or register it with an existing account. Follow the steps given and it should be all set up.

Is not testifying on your own behalf usually a sign of guilt in many cases?

First of all, I do not understand why a person would not want to get on the stand to try to defend themselves. Especially if they are suppose to be innocent. Now I know in this day and age more than ever before, lawyers are instructing their accused clients not to testify on their own behalfs. Case in point right now, the Casey Anthony trial. Her lawyers don't want her to talk and testify. However, I don't think that it would make very much difference in her case, because she has dug a big enough hole for herself with all her lies up to this point as it is and she looks guilty as sin. It would seem that everyone would try to plead their case and testify on their own behalf, high profile celebrities and all.

Pregnant- please help with names?

i would not want to be the one to stop the i would go with the name Olivia mae.It would sound better were the middle name is shorter.

I need help picking a girl's name?

Natalie Faith- it's beautiful and classy, not too common, but also not unusual. It flows very nicely and is very timeless.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pregnant and lightly bleeding can this be ok?

I took a test today and it was a very faint positive. My period has been messed up since I got my Mirena out a few months ago so I didn't really know when my period was late. So for the last week or two I have been taking a test every other or every 3 days. So the test being faint doesn't concern me since it was negative only 3 days ago. The last 3 days I have been getting bleeding very light like after sex the other night i was so i just thought it was my period so I put a tampon in and called it a day the next day I wake up and take the tampon out to realize it has nothin on it. okk so i again brushed it off and went about my business and then the next 2 days today included once or twice a day I will go to the bathroom and wipe and there will be blood it will mostly be brown with a tiny bit of pink/red. I have been soo confused by it and its obviously not my period so I took the 2 tests this morning and got the positive but I just don't really know what to think of it. I have an appt with my primary care doctor 2morro and I will bring it up to him, I am also cramping but I always cramp while pregnant(this would be my 3rd) so I dont think that means too much and its not like the miscarriage I had before but I cant help but be worried and figured I would ask here to see if anyone else had light bleeding in the beginning and went on to have healthy babies. Thanks in advance for any answers = )

How Much Do Industrial Transformers Cost?

it is up to the whim of the transformer owner. they will try to take you for all your worth. if so make them give you the damaged transformers. that is when there costs will become lower in exchange for not giving you the transformers. like a car transformers will be repaired or salvaged.

Advantage dose for rabbits?

Well if the vet gave it to you then call him up and ask what you should get. A vet shouldn't hand you some medication and tell you to give it to your rabbit at a less amount! Avoid it, you don't want to overdose your bunny.

Question about cartilage piercing?

advil is a blood thinner btw. Umm.. dont use sea salt water use peroxide to clean cutt and when that heals after a scab use rubbing alcohol! if it worsens take it out and see a dr.

How to tell someone to brush their teeth..?

POLITELY. he asked me out, and the only thing is his teeth look kinda.. grimey.. only sometimes though. but how do i politely tell or hint for someone to brush their teeth.. LOL

Grand Theft Auto 4 mission 70 I'll take her...never received a call?

I have been stuck in this portion of the game for almost a week now. I have kidnapped the girl and got her to safe house just fine but apparently there is more to the mission than just that. I have finished all everyone else's missions and there is nothing on my map at all no one just my safe house and everything else. I was instructed to wait for a call but it has been a while in game since packie has called me. I have called him and no my phone isn't asleep. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem and if its a glitch in the game or if there is something I am missing.

Is it okay to clean my make-up brushes with baby shampoo after each use?

I have all MAC cosmetic brushes. And I was wondering if it's safe to do so? I rather not go out and buy a SUPER expensive brush cleaner.

Mood swings, stupid fears, anxiety, self loathing?

put it this way..once you are observed by a mental health clinic and sent to the psychiatrist and he dots down some notes and are properly diagnosis and you get to take all kinds of little different colored little pills and you totally befriend people just like you Trust me... it all gets really INTERESTING

Strange Birth Control Schedule?

You will probably get your period when you reach the reminder pills, although due to this being essentially a really long cycle forced upon your body, your period might start before then.

How can the Catholic Church claim to be the only true church when they do not follow what is in the Holy Bible?

You're looking for a contradiction where there is none. The Catechism says that only the Church is the infallible interpreter of scripture. Paul praises people for reading the scripture. He says nothing of infallibility.

Good hotels in Atlantic city on BOARDWALK?

so its so hard to find a decent hotel omg!!! i found Bluegreen resort that looks pretty good...resrt casino atlantic city and trump marina hotel casino. do u know of nay good ones? 3 stars and up please nothing too expensive but NO MOTELS!

What websites are good for ordering hair dressing supplies i'm taking my business mobile :)?

i want to do mobile hair dressing now i have worked in a salon for some time and gained the relevant experience and qualifications but what are the best websites for ordering supplies eg.dye peroxide developer creme combs scissors dryers products straightners stuff like that i already have combs brushes and scissors but it never hurts to be prepared for if they need sharpening again i still have spares :)

Rate these singers from 1 to 7?

Adele, Florence and the Machine, Alexandra Stan, Laura Marling, Marina and the Diamonds, La Roux, Little Boots.

Is it normal to still bleed after the 4th weeks of having the marina iud? And I'm nursing ?

I put the marina right after my six weeks after delivery I'm not ovulating since I'm nursing so i was nit bleeding! Now I'm bleeding spotting some days and bleeding some! This been going on for 4 weeks now:( I also feel very agrsvited sad and moody:( i read si much negative stuff about it my dr keep telling me it's the best. And just hang in there! I'm very stressed i wanna remove it!! What do u guys think of the marina? How long did u bleed after insertion? And when the bleeding stop is normal to start bleeding again after intercourse??

Help! I lied to my boyfriend about being raped and I don't want to live that lie anymore.?

I felt a bit pressured for sex. I mean, I knew what I wanted sexually, and sometimes I wasn't afraid to show it, but I didn't want him thinking I was a slut. More so, I didn't feel like doing it quite yet and I felt a bit pressured. So, I said I was raped in the past, hoping that he wouldn't think I was a slut and so that he would back off a bit. We haven't had sex yet, but the topic is being brought up again, and I just do not want to be this way anymore - I am a virgin and wish for him to know that. How do I bring it up? Is there any way to make him "forget" what I said? Like somehow brush it off that he wasn't listening? I know it sounds bad but at the time, I felt pressured and didn't know what to do.

Agree or Disagree: Ugly Girls who act all That are the BIGGEST Losers.?

No, that's called confidence. There's nothing wrong with that. Just because you think they're ugly doesn;t mean everyone else thinks so. Moral of the Story:one man's trash is another's treasure

Favorite names out of this list. girls.?

Blair, Charlotte, Felicity, Gabrielle, Juliet, Lillian, Marina, Summer, and Violet are beautiful. You picked really good names <3

How do you like the name Noelle Marina?

Im mixed. I love the name Noelle and i love Marina but im not too sure if they compliment each other. I like the flow of it but i feel like the style of the names is a little off. What do you think? anymore suggestions?

Help with my teeth and toothbrush.?

ok i feel like the toothbrushes my dentist are giving me are junk cause i brush twice a day or more sometimes and every 6 months i come back and they say it doesn't look like you've been brushing and that is embarassing i'm a 16 yr old guy. Is there like a good electric toothbrush brand that is good for my teeth? if you know a good toothbrush brand whether electric or not plz tell me and what is the best paste brand, mouthwash, teethwhitening kit(if those even help cuz my teeth are somewhat yellower than i would like)


Go for another girl. She sounds like a weirdo. I think ifshe becomes your girlfriend, she'llbe too needy. The writing of the letter with blood from cutting her finger thing is just wrong. That should've been your warning that she could be a needy girl. Imagine, she's willing to do that for you, to have you. But it's up to you.

What filter is best for my size tank?

Ok I have a 21 litre tank (Hagen Marina Cool 21 Goldfish Aquarium Set) I have a filter that came with it which is a Marina i25 but i dont think it does a very good job and sucking things up so does anyone have any idea what other fitler might be good for this tank i would like one i can put completely in the tank and Im planning on getting some white cloud mountain fish they only grow to be 1.5 inches in length but i dont want an undergravel filter. Ive been looking at the ebay shops i would like something thats easy to maintain but theres so many different filters they are all confusing me with their pros and cons :P Thanks

Rate these girl names?

9, 10, 7, 5, 8, 6, 5, 2, 7, 7, 3, 4, 8, 2, 3, 4, 1, 4, 9, 1, 4, 9, 0, 10, 5, 4, 8, 6, 0, 9, 3 (in order of your list)

Sailing from 1 port to another?

Hi, I'm trying to write a story about a group of friends sailing up a coast in small sailboat. Their (mis)adventures involved going as cheaply as possible. Can one sail up near a marina and just anchor in the water and take a inflatable to shore for the day? do they typically have to pay to dock the small inflatable? what do people normally do sailing up and down a coast? what is the right terminology? Thanks!

Round or paddle brush curly to straight hair with blow dryer?

i find a round brush easier to work with, plus it gives me a bit of a curl at the ends which looks nice, rather than the blah-looking all straight.

Do you have to pull snake bites out to clean them?

im 15 and i have snake bites i clean them as the piercer instructed me but i want to know if you have to pull them out to get the dried crusties off of them can anyone help me out ?

I need help with the Silverlight plugin for Netflix please!?

I have tried installing and reinstalling the plugin multiple times until I read on a forum that an older version of the plugin worked better since the new version of Silverlight was not "compatible" with Windows Vista. I downloaded the old version and when I tried it in Netflix, it kept showing a playback error. I contacted Netflix and they told me that the playback error was due to the old version of the Silverlight plugin and then instructed me into downloading the new version. I downloaded it but now I am back to square one with it reporting that it is again crashing. Is there anything I can do to go back to watching Netflix?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Called white rose or something like that?

i remember reading a book called white rose or something like that about 4 years ago. it had a main character called Marina. the country was ruled by the Zero Tolerance party and marina forms the white rose to spread propaganda against them. it was based on the real white rose group. anyone heard of or read this book?

What do you think of my book so far?

It's pretty good but it didn't really grab my attention right away, even as I keep reading it's not too interesting.

Songs for a 'visiting L.A. for the first time' playlist?

So far I have artists like Little Boots, Marina and the Diamonds, and Lady Gaga, but any genre is great. Thanks!

How to beacome a flight attendant?

My name is Marina, im 23 i speack russian and english as my second lenguage, and i really want to beacome a flight attendant but i dont know how, what to do or wher to go. Can some one please give me some advice?

Can breasts change color when your about to start your period?

A little background: I got my marina taken out on the 15th (last wed) and recently i have been noticing my breasts are turning darker. I haven't had my period or even bleed at all, i've taken 3 pregnancy test and all were negative. I am kind of confused. My husband and i had sex 2 days before i got it taken out not knowing that we could become pregnant. We then did it on fathers day and the day before that. Is it to soon for pregnancy symptoms and am i just starting my period? I haven't had my period for over a year now so my body is kind of out of whack . Serious answers please...

How to avoid fainting?

That is not normal procedure for a nurse. The idea is to get your head below the level of your heart.

Everytime I brush my teeth this happens ? I dont know why? Please answer?

Everytime I brush my teeth reeeeeally har to the point i bleed I get like maybe like a sore thingy on my gum. I woke up and my gum was hurting really bad nd i got up to look at it. Idk why but everytime i brush my teeth I get a sore somewhere in my mouth. Its starting to bug me alot kus it hurts sometimes. Idk could I be allergic to the plastic in my tooth brush? Should I get a new toothbrush and see if its cause of that? This is the first time this happens when I got that tooth brush so idk. i got it maybe 3-4 months ago. or more idk ima get a new one but any answers?

Did this girl find me attractive or was this a coincidence?

I was in the grocery store when I noticed this pretty girl looking at me. As soon as I noticed her looking at me, she cut down an isle real quickly. As she did this, she brushed up against the shelving and kept moving along.

Is there possibility that I can reach discovery garden from JLT/Marina by walk if yes,?

i see, you have nothing to do :))) if you really wish to walk, just take a straight rote and don't move to the left or right, within two hours you will rich to the Ibn Battuta mall, good luck!!!

Ingrown hairs in dog?

I work at a dog daycare and a dobie there had several areas where clusters of hair had been covered by scabs. I tried brushing him but the only thing that worked was to pick at them with my fingers but in some spots this caused bleeding. He seemed very itchy because of them. Is there better way to go about removing them?

Where do you put your makeup brushes for the airport?

I'm going on vacation and I don't know here do I put my makeup brushes. On my suitcase or on my handbag? Thnks

Anybody know what genre this is?

Well on You Tube they are mostly listed under Pop.But yeah I'll be intersted to see what answers you get because I wonder the same thing.

What do you think of my most recent list of names?

I like Vincent and Cole but with a different middle name, I like the name Pierce as a middle name though. I like Violet and Marina as a first name and Josephine, Katherine, and Victoria.

Baby Names!?!?!?!Please Help!?

forest james and shaelin rose! , esme annalise is beautiful too. Tyler drew garcia has a real ring to it! All the best in your pregnancy!

Seeing a black panther in dream?

I'm not really sure about panthers but to see a black cat in your dream, indicates that you are experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in your intuition. You may erroneously associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck. In particular, if the black cat is biting, clawing or attacking you, then the dream means that you must acknowledge what your intuition is trying to tell you. You can no longer ignore it. Do not be afraid to face the situation. If you see a white cat, then it denotes difficult times. Hope this helped! :)

How to wash away oil from your makeup brushes ?

Use a lot of water is the only thing I can say. I clean my brushes with MichellePhan's tutorial and I've never had a problem.

What happened to Shayna Rose "Marina" on Fresh Beat band on the 6/24/11 episode?

I tried to google it but nothing came up. But I just saw the commercial and there was a new girl in her place. I hope that she's just sick and they didn't replace her, she's my daughters favorite character. Here is a link to the video

Can you tell me about a ppo/ restraining order?

ok heres the scoop... dec 27, 2010 me and my bf got into a pretty nasty fight. i filed (petitioner) for a ppo (domestic ppo) and it was granted by the judge. a copy was sent to the michigan state police and to the michigan ccw department... you are instructed also to have the ppo served to the respondant ( the person you filed it against) but i never did. i just let it go. my bf and i got back together and things were fine. my bf got pulled over by a cop for blowing a stop sign or speeding and the cop pulled up the ppo on his computer and informed my bf of it. my bf called me and flipped out. i never told him that i filed for one and it was granted because i never had it served to him and because of that i thought hed never find out and i thought that it would basically be invalid. he didnt get into any trouble but he is really upset with me and not speaking to me at all. its been almost 2 weeks. the ppo actually just expired ( june 27th, 2011). i mean i dont understand why hes so upset... obviously he did something wrong or the court would have never granted the ppo in the first place... i never had him served with papers. i never called the cops on him or reported him. he has a clean record and says that i drug his good name through the mad and i made him look bad and sound bad... i think he is over-reacting since he didnt even get introuble. we got together and therefore the ppo was useless... and he couldnt get introuble anyways becuase he ws never served and informed of the ppo and i would have to be the one to call the police on him anyways... right? i mean the ppo is expired now... but does that still mean its on his record forever? he wants to get a ccw (permit for a gun) ... will this ppo have any affect on that even though its expired? he feels like a criminal and a bad person now and he fears this ppo i had placed on him will always haunt him and stick around forever... can anyone tell me anything about this? also... what should i do about my bf? i love him and right now i am worried that we are pretty much done and over because he is so upset and hurt and angry with me... how can i explain thngs to him and make him realize that i do love him and i wasnt trying to get him in trouble? how can i assure him that things will be ok and hes not in any trouble? best answer gets 10 points! thanks!

Have you ever made a kid cry?

Yes. I accidentally make kids cry a lot. They're really sensitive and its so easy to. You have to watch everything you say and do around them.

Hi Im Chanre Im Just Wondering Why My Birds Wont Breed?

im sry i do not know much abot birds but as for goldfish look on the gills of both fish if there is white speckles its a male if not well its a female :)

Was Aqua Marina actually in Stingray? I don't remember.?

Marina was the silent but helpful girl, who helped troy and Phones in their underwater adventures, and was a member of the Stingray's crew.

Good Sad Music Suggestions?

Here are some I know: When I'm Gone by Eminem, Hometown Glory by Adele, and I'll try looking more up for you. Good Luck! (There are no sad/good songs by Nicki Minaj because she is a brand new artist, sorry...)

Okay, this may sound mad, but does someone i know have a crush on me or something?

Oh yeah, she likes you...a......LOT. If you don't like her, then tell her that you already like somebody.

How to make really yellow teeth white fast. and at home?

my teeth are really yellow and i want them white. i brush everyday, usually twice a day, but its not helping

Do you ever feel that you are the only one left who actually USES their brain?

Of course this is happening, it has ALWAYS happened. History has formed around society. The ENTIRE european and middle eastern world basically operated off of the society of the romans, and the greeks before them. People will always follow society, and the status cuo of what people say is right. Its hard to not get caught up in it, and for those who don't, they are the ones who will inevitably start a NEW trend, and then the world will follow what you do. Infact its impossible for me to think of a world where no one followed society, it would probably be a very chaotic place with no form of central controll.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What do you think of my favorite names?

I like them because they are not popular... my name is soo popular and i hate it because soo many people have the name Julia and i want to feel special. HAHA.

Why are my gums bleeding?

I have good teeth and am regularly at the dentist, so why are my gums bleeding? Do certain foods cause it? I electric brush and floss - so don't know why they are.

I have had a tooth ach for about 2 days how do i make the pain stop for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

There is orajel that you can use. But, that only lasts for so long. That will numb your mouth where you put the orajel at.

(Warning: strange question ahead)?

When I die in the future, I would like to get cremated. I want my ashes to get scattered at the sea - more specifically, at Marina Bay at the end of the "bridge". Can this be done without prior approval? Also, are there any environmental harms/benefits to doing this? Thanks so much!

How to disinfect hairbrush ?

My friend was over and I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was using my hairbrush and I'm kind of hygienic is their anyway I can disinfect my brush?

Agree or Disagree: Ugly Girls who act all That are the BIGGEST Losers.?

No, that's called confidence. There's nothing wrong with that. Just because you think they're ugly doesn;t mean everyone else thinks so. Moral of the Story:one man's trash is another's treasure

What can I keep in this gosh damn stupid tank?

It is a 3 Gallon Marina tank. It was 30$, I cannot return it, and I cannot get a bigger tank. What can I do with the damn thing? What can I keep in it? I do not want Shrimp and I already have African Dwarf Frogs. I do not want just one fish, I'd like a community tank filled with small fish. I will consider a Betta if some other fish can go with it.

I really like this guy but i think he has a girlfriend what should i do?

i have been seeing this guy off and on for the past few years. i think he may have a girlfriend he wont add me on Facebook..... know a tad childish to care but it kinda strikes me as odd. could this in fact be because he is seeing someone else? there is a girl who always has a photo of the two of them and i have a feeling they are more than friends and when i ask him he just brushes me off and tells me she is his ex and they are no longer together. but this kinda rubs me the wrong way. should i just go ask her? i no it could be an awkward thing to do,, it i have strong feelings about cheating and i could never do that to another women.. so what i'm asking is thoughts and a new prospective

Salon that does Feather Extensions and Waxing in San Francisco?

I'm looking for a good salon in san francisco (preferably richmond or haight or marina area, but anywhere in san francisco is fine.) that does feather extensions for hair and waxes. Thanks!

Electric powered golf cart very slow?

Really sounds like a loose ground wire. Check for hot cables which could indicate heavy draw. Depending on how hard you hit that pot-hole, you could have an alignment problem with a motor.

A question For Christians About The Bible?

WE DONT COMPARE them cuz God never lies but satan loves imitations....this is way too long...SEPARATE your ques good grief...this must be worth 22 points or more.

Why did he act so weird around me?

if he keeps approaching you it might mean he has something to discuss but is either unsure or embarrassed to talk about it...I think he's waiting for you to ask him whats wrong. just be aware that once you open that line of discussion it may have a change in your relationship, It may be best to refer him to a counselor

How much do American Alsatians shed?

It's an American German Shepherd!!... (right) People obviously don't know that that's their name in some countries. I have two who shed a lot. The shorter fur sheds more than longcoats because the longcoats don't have an undercoat. It definitely can be managed by brushing the dog everyday. Buy a furminator! They can be pricy but are absolutely worth it. They shed mostly during season changes, especially spring, but can be managed. You will still see fur around the house. It is worth it in the end because they are such great dogs!! Good luck!!

Where can I find a hair brush with hardwood pins?

I keep finding hair brushes with bamboo pins. I want the pins to be made of some kind of hardwood like olivewood.

Would this be a good stock?

Betta's will not kill the inverts but they need a tank atleast double that size to be happy. I would get him a new tank within a few months or he will be unhappy. Or better still get a dwarf species of fish. All fish need a filter aswell btw.

Is it a cancore sore or wisdom teeth?

I'm 21 and the left side of my mouth hurts really bad back behind all my teeth...the gum from what I see is a bit red and sensitive when I brush and feels different then normal when I touch it with my tongue. It's only been a day, but the pain is killing me. I have swished with both warm salt water and the mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water along with taking motrin to help with the pain. Is this most likely just a bad cancore sore from food that could have got stuck in my gum or is it a wisdom tooth coming in?

I never brushed my teeth when I was a kid?

Please don't give rude answers. I know it's gross. My parents never really forced me to brush my teeth when I was little. I've only started brushing 3 years ago when I turned 13. And even then, I haven't brushed properly until about last year. I went to the dentist, and he said that I have about 14 cavities. I hate my teeth. They are disgusting. I'm brushing almost 4 times a day now because I'm so worried people will notice. My teeth are yellowish.. I'm really ashamed. My teeth have been starting to hurt so much. My gums bleed whenever I brush my teeth, and I can't eat anything too cold or hot or my teeth will hurt like hell. I used to eat SO much candy when I was little. I am regretting it now. No one told me how to eat healthy or take care of myself. I'm really trying to change now, but I'm very worried about my teeth. They've been hurting so much lately. I feel like brushing and flossing isn't enough. What should I do? Is there any hope for my teeth? I know they'll be okay in appearance because my teeth are perfectly straight, and I'm planning on getting them whitened when I'm older.. but my teeth are really messed up. They hurt so much. Will the dentist be able to fix my teeth so they can be normal? I seriously have black holes in my teeth. I'm so worried..

Does God really instruct us to "rip up" pregnant women?

No, and remember not to read Scriptures out of context. You can't understand the reasons God has for anything unless you are one of his children. I know how frustrating it is to read stuff and try to understand, but what is the purpose of reading the Bible if not to get closer to God and understand what he is saying? If you read the Bible for the wrong reasons, like looking for bloodshed and things that don't make sense in our world today, and contradictions, then you will never see the truth.

Why do so many christians do not trust God?

God had made us a promise and we are instructed on Malachi 3 and Luke 6 that we should give and then expect to receive more. Some churches compromise with God and demand 5% from their parishioners. Tithing is 10%. We do not trust God in our finances because we give God CREDIT for the good that happens to us but, not CASH.

What is the best way to wash your hair with feather extensions.?

okay, so i'm getting feather extensions this week and i'm not sure how i should wash my hair. i'm like scared ill rip them out or ruin them. I'm also scared like they will clump together and get tangled. also when i get out of the shower i wrap my hair in the towel.. would that be a bad idea to do with the feather extensions in? Also should i be careful when i brush my hair, because i'm very OCD about my hair being brushed. Pleasee help me! hahaa

What are the pros and cons of the....?

i can help you with the hair straightener...a few months ago i bought the best straightener. Its called the presige pro, its tourmaline plate and goes all the way up to 450 degrees. The straighteners i had before it i thought were good but lol no i was wrong..this is so much takes half the time to straighten my hair and it leaves my hair super shiny and silky...three of my friends saw what it did to my hair and how soft and straight it was and they bought it too lol...Im sure you can find it online. I got mine from a href="" rel="nofollow" under the hair straightener section. Anyways good luck and ihope it works out for you in your new school semester :)

Fluttering/twitching feeling under left rib followed by sharp pain?

I have scholosis (spell?) and just found out I have severe cervical dysplasia. I have been stressed and have really bad anxiety. It isnt bend over cant move pain just kinda uncomfortable. When I press on the spot it stops but it has went from just happening every once in a while to being constant. I have read it can be anything from mucsle spasm to galdbladder. I just dont want to brush it off in case it could be something serious but I also dont want to rush to the ER and it be nothing. Any help would be great

What do you think of the name Marina Elizabeth?

I love the sound of Marina, but remember a marina is a place where you go to fish. That put a damper on my love for the name.

Friday, July 15, 2011

WDYT of this sib set?

I love basically all those name except for Guinevere. Don't get me wrong I like Guinevere, but it doesn't quite fit with the middle name Ruby, or the rest of the sibling names. The sibling names one isn't as big of a deal, but maybe change Ruby to something else.

Why wont my teeth become white!?

Dang go to the dentist to get them cleaned maybe u changed ur diet recently..Try to avoid things like coffee and soy sauce which can darken your teeth

The Judge says to the bailiff..?

A woman is called to be a witness in a murder trial. She is called to the witness stand...the considerate judge instructs .."Before you swear her in ask her how old she is."

How do I get a girl who is crazy in love with me to stop loving me.?

Literally crazy in love with me, this girl will not stop liking me, no matter what I do. I really want her off my back because my friend who she was crazy in love with before lost a girlfriend because of her, and I dont want her getting in the way of my relationships with other girls. She never gives me space, she constantly tries to lean or lay on me, but I only let my closest girlfriends do that. She is even testing my mom and asking what I am doing. She constantly texts me, maybe not every minute, but like twice a day at the least. She dates other guys to try to make me jealous, obviously with no success, and it makes me feel bad for the dudes who get pulled into it. And it seems that everything I do, wether it is saying hi back to her or just brushing up against her shoulder, she gets filled with crazy love for me again and she thinks I like her back to, which I don't. My friend even told me (she goes to my church) that whenever I'm in the gym playin soccer, she just stands there in the window watching me. This girl just doesn't get the point, and I really want her off my back, any advice?

Some one know about this!??!?!?!?

I am going on vacation and would like to know if sprint customers receive cell phone coverage in Lake Mead off of the marina? I've looked it up on google, to no avail. Has anyone used it outside of the marina? Feedback would be great, thanks. I wouldn't like to be there for a week with no service.

How long should I take off work if I've had a muscle spasm in my neck?

If the ER and a regular Doctor has said a week then I would take a week. I know I don't pay any of your bills but the meds you are on will cause adverse things you would be of little use at work any way, more than likely a hazard. So I would stay at home and rest up better than something worse taken place. One could be you get yourself or someone else killed so do as required and heal up.

Help! I lied to my boyfriend about being raped and I don't want to live that lie anymore.?

I felt a bit pressured for sex. I mean, I knew what I wanted sexually, and sometimes I wasn't afraid to show it, but I didn't want him thinking I was a slut. More so, I didn't feel like doing it quite yet and I felt a bit pressured. So, I said I was raped in the past, hoping that he wouldn't think I was a slut and so that he would back off a bit. We haven't had sex yet, but the topic is being brought up again, and I just do not want to be this way anymore - I am a virgin and wish for him to know that. How do I bring it up? Is there any way to make him "forget" what I said? Like somehow brush it off that he wasn't listening? I know it sounds bad but at the time, I felt pressured and didn't know what to do.

I have a 110 litre tank, have 6 neon tetras, 3 swordtails and 3 platies, will they mix with....?

I would steer clear of 2 gouramis, if they were to breed you'd have a menace of a male gourami on your hands. Anyways, the cory cats should work, and maybe 5 amano or 8 cherry shrimp too. They like moss, such as java. Adding another shoaling fish might be a bit much, so maybe add your cory cats, 1 male or female gourami, and the shrimp of your choice.

Get caught with a moped?

My grandma doesn't want me to use a moped i just bought but i think i could leave it at a marina really close to me. My brother and i have to share a car and work in opposite directions so it would be very convenient to use it. We start work at the same time so we would both drive to the moped and then go to work from there. I've never run into my grandma on the road and i have been working here for 4 years. My grandma would be very mad if she found out and would probably not want us to continue coming down to her summer house in the summers. I am 20 and my brother is 18.

Please help me, my dog has the parvo virus. I need help ASAP?

parvo is usually only contracted in puppies under the age of 6 months. I'm going to assume that your dog that is almost a year old was never vaccinated for parvo ( or else she would not be sick) You need to keep the dogs separated and you need to make sure you are washing your hands after every feeding and every time you touch her. Your clothing, shoes, socks, everything should be changed after interaction with the infected dog. As for the urine, you need to call your vet asap and tell them about any new symptoms that occur ( as they could make a life & death difference) Parvo is cureable so keep doing everything you can!! And for god sakes get all your dogs up to date on vaccines ( when healthy) so this doesn't happen again!! Good luck!!

How do the Marina Micro LED lights work?

I am looking for a good little night light for my fish, I was thinking about getting the Marina Micro LED light set. But I am a little confused. When I go into the store I see something called the "Hub" you have to purchase and then I see the lights. So does this mean that it requires you to purchase two separate things? Or when you purchase the hub do you get 1 light that comes with it? Also, about how long would you say that LED lights have a life of?

Could this be a pregnancy? please help?

nope doesnt sound like u are. the infection is just something that happens and sometimes u can get blood with the infection or because of the pill its called break through bleeding. the breast tenderness can happen a week before your period and u took a plan b plus am on birth control i highly doubt u are

I just received a summons in the mail saying I'm being sued by Wells Fargo...?

Who is listed as the defendant on the summons? If you are not named, I wouldn't worry. Make a copy of the summons, write deceased on it next to your ex husband's name and mail it back. If you are named, is there a complaint annexed? If so, file an answer denying each and every allegation of the complaint; mail it to the plaintiff's attorney. If there is no complaint, write to plaintiff''s attorney and demand a complaint. Then deny the allegations. The worst thing you can do if your name is on the summons is ignore it. That way, the plaintiff can get a default judgment against you.

In the event that bad weather develops while on the water, what safety precautions should be taken on boat?

What a great quiz! Boat safety is so important. We totally recommend new boaters take a boat safety course, and everyone must have the proper boat safety equipment! For more information on boating safety, check out

Where can I get a valuable online bachelor's degree?

There's no such thing as a valuable online degree. There's no substitute for face to face communication.

Just got my first job!?

I just got a job working at the local Marina store. I am super nervous and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for me on my first day of work!

Canker sores after tooth extracted?

I had my second to last top molar pulled the other day due to root resorption. I am scheduled for an implant in 2 weeks. It didn't hurt one bit. The next morning I was a little swollen, and there was a little pain where the noNovocaineas injected, but nothing bad. Now, today, the 3rd day, I have this horrible pain, but its not from where the tooth was pulled...I developed these canker sores on the tops of my gums above where the tooth was pulled, but not right next to the extraction site, at the very top of my gums, where it joins my cheek, and there's about 2 or 3 of them. I get them every now and them from trauma to my gums (like if I slip brushing, or stab myself with something I eat-like potato chips, etc) But that's not the case here...I think maybe the dentist's instruments may have done this? They didnt mention that they slipped or that I would develop canker sores. It hurts really bad...but not from the extraction. Is this normal, and what can I do to help them heal faster?

Feather Hair extensions?

The blue would look better in blond hair, but just keep in mind that they are real feathers that come from roosters that are bred and killed for those accessories. I refuse to put them in a client's hair.

I am trying to connect my Nintendo DS to my Wi-fi and I'm having trouble. Help!?

I am playing Pokemon Black and I hope to get pokemon from the dream world. I can't connect to WI-FI, though. I have a linksys router and I know both the SSID and the password. When I try to connect when scanning for a connection, I get error 51300. When I put everything in manually, I get error 51300. It's unavoidable for me? Am I missing something? Also, I'm no the best with computers, so be mindful when instructing me.

Can old Boat trailer tires hold the boat weight for 60 metres ?

My 25ft boat Trophy is in a marina and I did not use my boat trailer for 6 years ,the trailer was parked on a sandy parking near the beach .Now , and after 6 years I want to use the trailer to take my boat to the workshop ( about 60 metres from the slipway ) I inflated the tires and they look fine but one of my friends told me although they look fine they will go flat once the boat put on them ) I am confused now because I do not want to put new tires because I use the trailer may be once or twice a year . the question is do you think the tires can take the weight of the boat or they will explode once the boat on top of the trailer . thank you for your assistance.

WTA Edgbaston, the quarter-final line up is complete, but who will advance?

My picks would be Sabine Lisicki, Peng Shuai, Daniela Hantuchova and Ana Ivanovic. Although I wouldn't be surprised to see Mirjana Lucic beat Ana Ivanovic. Mirjana can play well on grass.

Help please? Advice for improvement :D? (re-posted)?

I like it! However I think u should talk a little more about the character either before u introduce the plot or after. Every reader focuses on the character, the looks, the personality. But it sounds really good so far. I like the cover.:)

Would you trust this person to groom?

sorry no i wouldn't trust a 15yr old to groom my dogs. does she know how to handle all dogs? some dogs with under coats can't be cut like normal dogs. I know you said you have a yorkie i am just wondering I have two terriers and their groomer said that most terriers they have groomed hate to have their feet touched as mine do would she know what to do? unless i knew her or had a friend use her then no. good luck

Libs are anti-business, Cons anti-gov't. Logically, which makes more sense?

i have never been to a business where they use guns and hand-cuffs on me if i do not patronize them...the govt does, and has,and is using those "techniques"...

I've started my story but I dunno how to carrie it on. Any Idea's?

Step one: learn basic grammar rules, how to spell, etc. once you've accomplished this, I'm sure that the secret to "carrie-ing" on your unoriginal pile of drivel will probably just come to you!

What are your thoughts on these names?

I like most of them! I'd take out Sean and Marion from the girls. I'd use a different nickname for Sebastian and remove Bennett altogether.

Do you think i will get caught with my moped?

My grandma doesn't want me to use a moped i just bought but i think i could leave it at a marina really close to me. My brother and i have to share a car and work in opposite directions so it would be very convenient to use it. We start work at the same time so we would both drive to the moped and then go to work from there. I've never run into my grandma on the road and i have been working here for 4 years. My grandma would be very mad if she found out and would probably not want us to continue coming down to her summer house in the summers. I am 20 and my brother is 18.

Best way to get from Long Beach to Marina Del Rey in the morning?

It's going to suck either way. The 405 is crowded, so everyone is using the 710/105 alternate, so that gets crowded as well. Try both and see which one is faster. Or use the blue and green lines like the other guy said.

My long haired cat has terrible knots help!?

I have two long haired cats that I do groom. However, one has very thick dense hair and the kitty brush just doesn't get right in, underneath. My cat hates grooming for any length of time, and now yet again has belly knots. I will have to get him shaved again, but in the meantime, how can I prevent this? any suggestions on good cat brushes for extra long haired cats?

Please Help Me! What do I do about this?

I absolutely cannot stand my father anymore. I am 13, so I can't do anything about it. All he does is yell at me and he even said he regretted having me as a daughter. Today he accidentally dropped his keys in the back of the car, and he said "Marina, can you help me find my keys. I was playing a game on my iPod, and I was just saving my game and turning my iPod off but I guess I responded to late because he yelled my name as loud and harsh as he could and said " MARINA! Get your head out of that ******* iPod or I'm gonna throw it in the ******* trash!!!" And I said I'm sorry and that I was just about to help him look. Then my mom came out and he started acting like nothing happened. Then my mom went back inside and he said " Do you have a ponytail holder to put in your hair so you don't ***** about it blowing around?" And that is just what he said to me today. Everyday it's something different. I can't do anything write and I used to cut myself because of him. I can't take this anymore and my heart hurts so much that sometimes I can't breath. He used to physically abuse me a few years ago, but he stopped now because he knew I would tell. He used to whip me with his belts, grab and squeeze the back of my neck, and when I was in third grade my mom, brother, dad, and I went to a park for a picinicand me and my brother were fooling around at the picnic table and my dad thought WE were fighting so he decided to throw a plastic cup at MY forehead and split it open. I got really lucky I didn't have to go to the hospital. I still have a really noticeable scar there. My mom said I could have it lasered off, but I don't want to because I wanna remember what happened that day for the future when he is old and alone. Please, I know this is long, but please tell me what to do. He will never change and I want to run away, but I still love my mom. He won't go to a counselor. He acts all sweet to me one moment then yells at me the next. I can't live like this anymore.

Cavities in a 2 year old?

All of my five kids started seeing the dentist at about one or one and a half. We brushed (and they do on their own now) their teeth regularly and flossed daily. None of my kids had any cavities until one of my twins just recently. They are identical in every way, they eat the same, they brush their teeth with the same type of toothbrush and paste and at the same time. They don't drink soda, kool-aid or tea. They have the same diets and dental routines but one has perfect teeth with no cavities and the other has cavities on both sides of her mouth and even has a little bit of nerve damage on one of the teeth. Our normal pediatric dentist doesn't fix cavities on children that young and referred us to an pediatric oral surgeon about an hour away. This is because they usually want to sedate and use laughing gas on children this young to eliminate any fear later on in life and so that they are not traumatized. The side effects of sedation are minimal to the damage that can be done to the nerves if the cavities go without being delt with, even though they will loose them eventually. Don't get yourself down, our dentist told us that some kids just have bad teeth, and some kids can go without brushing and have no problems. As long as you are keeping her teeth clean and limiting the sugary drinks that can coat her teeth and just stay there, you are doing great. One of my daughters issues may be that they drink soy milk, which can be very sweet, but the dentist still told me that there are kids that just have bad teeth. Make sure you prep your daughter lots before the appointment. The thing that scared my kids the most was the size of the dentist chair and when it lay ed all the way back flat. Good luck

How can I fix this dental problem?

Well first of all, if you still have your baby teeth, maybe you could wait out on fixing your teeth. Once you have your adult teeth, then its worth it to invest on whitening solutions. As for the gaps, you could go to an orthodontist and get braces or invisalign trays. But sometimes, gaps aren't fixable and you'll just have to deal with it. For now, I suggest brushing and flossing atleast twice a day , using mouthwash and a tongue scraper to freshen your breath, and a whitening toothpaste if you'd like.

What is the meaning of the word ethos?

It is the distinctive character, spirit, and attitudes of a people, culture, era, etc. Get it like the culture and attitude of the character ur talking about in ur essay.:)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is this story good so far?

Well it depends on how developed your idea is and how much you planned out if you dont plan ahead your next chapter could be horrific. Also it depends on the audience you after and the type of story it is as well as the genre.

Pain after Internal Bleaching?

Two days ago, I got my front tooth internally bleached (it has been root canalled already). There was no pain during the procedure, but about 20 minutes after, I got a pulsating pain coming from inside the tooth. I took a few Ibproufens and that did help a bit. Now, the tooth is tender to touch, and strangely it only hurts when I excersize, and brush my teeth, or when i'm trying to fall asleep. Please help.

What would cause a fever over a week after hip surgery?

So my friend had metal plates put into her upper femur as the result of a hip injury (or something like that). Anyway, she has developed a high fever a week and two days after the date of her surgery. She has been prescribed oxys for the pain, and she was recently instructed to take ibuprofen alongside her pain medication. The fever developed after taking the ibuprofen, and she last took the ibuprofen at 5 am eastern standard time. Would the ibuprofen have caused the onset of the fever, or could there be a more serious underlying condition?

What does my dream of being so claustrophobic I cant breathe, mean?

You feel burdened by all the pressures and expectations in your life. You feel as though you are trapped; and that you are restricted.

Painfull eyebrow piercing?

i had my eyebrow pierced 4 days ago and i have been cleaning as instructed but after 3 fine days i am now in serious pain. It hurts like hell to touch my eyebrow and the pain is causing me a headache ! Is this normal or what could be wrong?

Can you rate this twin set baby names please?

They're way too matchy for my liking! Amelia and Amanda are probably the best set on your list, Mia and Mandy sound cute nicknames. But the others are too similar.

Principles of Accounting 11 ed. by Needles et al.?

Recently I decided to brush up my accounting skills and purchased the new edition of Principles of Accounting by Needles et al. However, I could not find the answer keys to the problems presented at the end of the book. Does anybody know where I can get/buy them for individual use?

Positive HPT... but I'm on birth control...?

I've been on the Nuva Ring for a month now. When I went to the doctor's I told them that I wanted a morning after pill, and then to inquire about a different method(other than condoms) of birth control. They performed a pregnancy test at that time and it was negative. They gave me the morning after pill, and the Nuva Ring and told me that I could start using the Nuva Ring immediately. They also informed me that it takes a week for the Nuva Ring to kick in. I went home, took the morning after pill, and then started the birth control. I took it out after 3 weeks, as instructed, and my period never came. I finally took a pregnancy test today to rule it out, and it came out positive. I'm so confused. Has this happened to any one else before? Any advice is much appreciated.

Can you take morphine if you have an ulcer?

Last night, after 3 months of pain, I was diagnosed with an infection in my stomach and an ulcer. Sadly none of the drugs I was given was for pain. I'm in excruciating pain(more so than I have been in these past months) and was wondering if I can take some leftover morphine? I had it from a previous hospital visit, so it is mine. I am taking 4 amoxicillin, 2 clarithromycin and 2 prilosec a day as instructed by my doctor, so I dont know if morphine will affect these at all.

How do i get fuller luscious lips?

I know that lipgloss with a plumper or something works, but is there anyother way to get fuller lips, my friend told my that when i brush my teeth i should brush my lips to so that they swell a little for a while. what else can i do?

Which middle name combo do you like best (girl)?

I really like the name...Rory Marina Fairfronter...I like the fact that both you and your mother like this name too...

Help with baby names?

I like Taylor Lynn, & Lena Lynn. Although it might have alot of L's, I think it flows nice together & sounds appealing. Best of luck!! :)

2 year old and brushing teeth?

I started brushing my daughters teeth when she first got her 2 teeth. I brushed with flouride free toothpaste and now i found out that she has cavities. (shes 2 years old) I started brushing with flouride tooth paste. But i cant get her to spit it out at times, she likes to swallow it at times. But what i want to know is it really bad for her to swallow it.? I use a little tooth paste every time. What can happen if she swallows it?

My retainer hurts so bad?? (20 characters)?

So I got my braces of yesterday and they gave me a retainer. I wore it almost all day yesterday (they didn't give me instructions they just said wear it) I only took it off when I ate and brushed teeth and talked, so I left it in while I slept. Thi morning I woke up with a horrible pain in my mouth and when I took the retainer out it stopped. I really don't want to put it back in now. Why did it hurt so bad today but not yesterday??

Makeup experts: I need your advice?

Make an appointment @ a makeup counter in macy's. They should do it for you. Saves you all the hassle.

Trying to grow my eyebrows back...?

brush them everyday, Sadly to say if u did that eyebrows always take long to grow. trust me this happen to me. But, it always take about 2 weeks to grow back, but dont put no more chemical or things on ur eyebrows just wait but they will grow back just brush them and leave them alone.

I'm shocked that I have cavities?

I'm 16 and I went for a check up and cleaning today, after not having gone for about a year and a half. I found out that I had 7 minor cavities D: I was completely shocked. I take such good care of my teeth. I brush 2x a day, floss, rinse, don't eat sugary foods and... I just don't understand. These are the only cavities I've ever had since having adult teeth. Is this normal?

How do i get a 13 year old capricorn guy to like me? 10 points!!!!?

list everything possible like weight loss personality anything that i can do i have a really big crush on this guy and i wont stop until i get him im even going on a self instructed diet to get him when we get to 8th grade in september any ill take any sugestions or help pleas please hepl!!! 10 points for the best lol

Which name do you think is best?

What do you think for a girl...Erika, Stephanie, Sabrina, Rosemary/Rosemarie, Maxine, Marina, or Lilia.

Is MAC bronzing powder good and what MAC brush would you use with it?

you could buy a great imitation of mac brushes, they are very similar quality but much cheaper, i alredy got all my collection.

How to get my teeth more whiter?

i have braces and i brush my teeth alot and right after i brush them they are super white but after 30 mins they look kind of yellow even if idont eat anything? how do i get that to go away

How long does it take Marina Silicone Sealant to dry?

It drys within hours, but it will not cure till about 24-48. (Depending on humidity and heat within your house.) I'd leave it for another 24 just to be certain.

In your opinion, what is the best mecha anime you've ever watched?

gundam seed - one of the reason is maybe it's the first mecha anime that i've watched so i really amazed by those cool gundam and can still remember bout it!!

Is anyone selling Hatsune Miku tickets for Anime Expo in July 2011?

I really wanted to go to this concert with one of my friends but unfortunately it sold out before I got the chance to buy any tickets. It would be amazing if anyone could maybe sell me 2 tickets (I am a anime expo attendee) all you have to do is name your price! So please email me at if you have any extra or unwanted tickets. Thank you so much!

Wheres the best place to buy alcohol in Los Angeles?

The legal drinking age in the United States is 21. As long as you are 21 or older you can buy liqueur anywhere it is sold. If you appear young you WILL be asked for a photo I.D. to prove your age. Your driver license or passport will do.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TEENS: Whats your opinion on his teen-pregnancy situation?

I think it's very unlucky because they clearly weren't ready for children yet so were being responsible and using contraception. But pregnancy and children are blessings.

I need help Diagnosing My kid?

My son in class will do the exact oposite of what he's instructed to do, if no one likes his Idea or if he doesn't win at something he will go either outside of the class and pout or to the corner of the room and quietly pout. If someone makes him mad he will threaten them with a fist or scream "HEY!". Plus he never listens. Also, he thinks every single comment is centered around him. For example a kid once explained that they were playing a computer game and if you lost you had to switch out with another kid so then my son lost and he wouldn't get off the computer so he pushed the kid and went to the restroom and once he got his emotions out the pricipal wanted to talk to him but he wouldn't listen so he ran up and down the hall screaming "Leave Me Alone Arghhhhh!". Eventually they had to drag him up to the office. The weird thing is he's not in special ED or anything because has pretty decent grades.

Products For a High PonyTail On Thick Wavy/Curly Hair?

Use mousse! that will help and its not as sticky! I use aussie mousse in my curly hair and it works great! also, you should use a wide paddle brush to brush your hair

What kind of lightbulb for 20 gal aquarium?

Well I have 3 fish tanks, a 10 gallon hospital, 20 gallon community, and 50 gallon community. my 50 gallon has a tube lighting sort of thing, and the bulbs I get make the lighting look more natural, but my 20 gallon has the yellow lights which I hate... Im currently using the Marina aquarium light bulb, 15w 120v, Long lasting. My tank takes 2... what kind of light bulb should I use to get the non-yellow lighting. because I can't find any bulbs that do what the tube one does. any ideas?

Stocking 3 gallon Marina Goldfish starter tank?

ok, no. You can have 2 females, but you can't have the male and female or the male will kill her. Besides, one betta would fully stock a three gallon, then you can put 1-2 mystery/nerite sanil or 3-4 ghost/cherry shrimp.

My dentist gave me silver fillings instead of white, will they fix it?

I was told years ago by my dentist that they don't even use the silver anymore. Only the white. That's bulls*** they did that without discussing it with you. Maybe you can sue them. However I really don't think they can redo it but I may be wrong.

My hair is ruined!!! Please answer!!!?

Maybe the dye is not good; go get it done by a stylist. Or if you would rather do it yourself, you could try another dye (like a different brand).

I just adopted an adult cat who was very attached to the last owner. How can I help him adjust?

Bribe the cat with food. Play with it a lot. My dog was attached to his owner but we got him to like us by playing with him and feeding him. Give the cat cat nip sometimes, they love it. Get the cat neutered when he adjusts a little. But if he starts to spray, NEUTER HIM IMMEDIATELY. Their spray smells disgusting and it will really upset your other cat.

Revlon Colorstay foundation problem?

okay so I found the best way for me to apply the CS foundation is by using a stippling brush. But now it's reallyyyy hard to get the foundation completely off of my brush ...wait, let me rephrase that, it's IMPOSSIBLE to get the foundation off of my brush. I use a gentle facial cleanser to clean my brushes and it used to work with my other foundations but it doesn't work with this one. Suggestions?

How do I use g++ compiler?

I'm completely new to programming. I've just purchased a book on C++ which instructed me to download and install MinGW. I'm not sure if it was successful because there is a folder with stuff in it, but I don't see any program I can open. I'm trying to write my first program. I wrote a source code using Microsoft Wordpad (I don't know if I was supposed to), but now I'm lost. The book mentioned something about Command Prompt, but I don't know what that's used for. Can someone help me? I'm really confused.

What should I do?...if anything at all.?

If hes getting married it would be a good idea to keep your feelings to yourself. If hes marrying this girl obviously she makes him happy and if you really cared about him you would want him to be happy. Most likely speaking your feelings isnt gonna do anything but complicate things

How can i fix gimp so it will open?

When ever i try loading gimp it goes to the loading screen and stops on brushes, i deleted all the brushes i had, i have no Fonts installed for it and so when i close it it says (not responding) so i have to click "end now" it closes, but wont open. i have no viruses or stuff of that sort, i deleted it and re installed multiple times but it just wont open. Can anyone out there help? My computer is a 32 bit windows xp with SP3 installed. i don't have any other programs open when i try using it so... i have no idea.

Things to do in/around Redondo Beach?

The Redondo Pier and King Harbor are nice areas. If you like classic cars, every Friday Ruby's Restaurant has a big show starting around 5 pm. And you can have dinner there too. You can take the bus just about anywhere.

Another braces question lol?

you're only 14. I got my braces when I was 16 and I don't get them off until I'm 18. I mean its better to get them now than when you're in your 20s or 30s, right? don't worry about the age thing, everyone, regardless of age has them nowadays. if you wanna be sure to get your braces off on time or maybe even early then make sure you follow every instructions your orthodontist gives you...especially if you have to wear rubber bands or an expander. also avoid eating anything that could break the brackets off.

Can someone else find out what scripts and brushes i am using on a image in gimp if i clear the EXIF data?

There are ways to recover it. That's how the NY Post photographer got caught for manipulating his Pulitzer photos.

How is it to live in Marina, CA?

As you may know its a pretty small city of only about 19,000-20,000 population. Marina has some nice quiet, pretty beaches that you can go to. The population in your city that you are moving from is about 5,000 so it's a good four times bigger but Marina is still a very small city. I live in Tigard, OR and the population here i almost 60,000. But, the temperatures of monterey(near by city) are pretty mild and the summers have averages of low 70's and winters are average of mid 40's. Town seems pretty safe to me and it's just hard to find a whole lot on such a small city. Hope this helped!:)

Are there any manga with characters who...?

love the main character but do not show it? like they do show it but brush it off and call the main character stupid?

Liquid lacquer for paper?

I'm having a really hard time looking for liquid lacquer/varnish for paper. I make origami jewelry for my friends and I really don't like using my clear nail polish for the paper because I want to use the nail polish for my nails. I prefer a varnish that can be brushed onto the paper. When dry, I'd prefer a high-gloss finish and strength... like if its an origami star it won't flatten out if it were crushed. The results I just mentioned are the results of clear nail polish. I already know about Modge-Podge but I'm kind of reluctant to use it because it's targeted at decoupage work.

Why did he act so weird?

Duh just come straight out and ask him whats up with the body lang? and the wierd conversations all of a sudden?

Where is the best place to fish at Grapevine Lake?

I was looking and there are 5 locations Meadowmere Park, Oak Grove Park, Murrell Park & Twin Coves Marina, Twin Coves RV Park, Marshall Creek Park.. I do not have a boat so it has to be like shoreline/pier. Also its has to be a good camping spot.. which one is the place to go????Thank You so Much for your help

Why doesn't my friend wanting me watching A Game of Thrones?

My friend said that him and his family are watching a tv show called, "A Game of Thrones". I told him that it sounded good and I would try watching it But he freaked out and said, "No Marina. Don't watch it. I don't want you seeing the things in this tv show." He wouldn't tell me what was in it. He wouldn't tell me anything about it. It looks good and I want to know why he would tell me not to watch it! Help!

Which bands will i like? (I like MCR, Paramore, Marina and the Diamonds?

I used to only like top 40 pop music and that, but recently i was introduced to My Chemical Romance, and really loved them, then discovered I like Paramore and Marina and the Diamonds. Which other bands/singers which are like the above, would I like?

/Facepalm on fish big time I don't know what to do?

In addition to Gary C's response, I would recommend getting at least one more panda cory of the same size as the others. They are shoaling fish and require a minimum of 3 fish, they prefer more than 3 though.

What can I do if my neighbor keeps filing false noise complaints to our landlord?

Okay, I'm literally shaking I'm sooo mad!!!! So I recently moved into this really nice gated community that I've been wanting to move to for years now. It's Called THE SHORES AT MARINA BAY, In RIchmond California. I've been in my one bedroom, ground floor unit for about 7 months now. Since my arrival, I've received SEVERAL letters and phone calls from our leasing center complaining about noise. Please note, these are condomiums so any noise heard is very minimal.In my 7 months I've received 2 letters, 3 knocks on the door and two phone calls from our leasing office, Also, my leasing office left a VERY detailed message in the general voicemail box of my previous employer. MY ex-coworker called me and said "hey, your landlord keeps calling to complain about noise in your apartment". I am a very quiet natured person, and I know people could understand my frustration when I've done nothing wrong. Each complaint gets put in my file, and after a certain amount I can get EVICTED for something I didn't do. I've even received a complaint for a dog I don't have. I have brought this to the attention of my leasing office and all they say is "okay, I'll let my manager know" OR "I'm sure everyone in your area received a notice" which is complete bullshit because my door is the only with a notice stuffed into the crease. what should I do at this point? I've got 4.5 months left in my lease and it disgusts me that my family has to tiptoe around our own house. We are a fairly young couple. I'm 22, my husband is 25 and our only son is 18 mos old. Once even, our upstairs neighbor was purposefully stomping around their apartment from 8am until about 230 pm when my husband and I got sick of it and called security. When security arrived and as they were walking up towards our apartment to the staircase upstairs, the upstairs neighbor came out and as he was walking to his car, he told security WE were making noise. When WE had been sitting completely still for hours listening to see if it was in fact on purpose before we called security. I ahve an 1150 deposit on this place and don't want to just get up and move although I'm feeling like doing so. When I call my leasing office, the "manager" is never available. What should/could I do? I'm so frustrated!!!!! please help with any advice

How do I know if a guy from my church likes me?

Well there is this guy who comes to sing with us more than occasionally at my church and i"ve grown to like him alot. The only problem is im 16 and he's 21 but I dont look my age. He usually gives me high fives tide to a tight hand shake, smiles at me (which is sooo dreamy) and instructs my singing. Also he kinda goes out of his "way" to say hello and stuff. nothing to major. Anyway, just yesterday he said he thought I was singing on stage with him and since i didnt he was mad, and he said that will a smile(: i really hope he likes me but im afriad he wont say or so anything because he's a church goer. HELP! HOW DO I KNOW!?!??!?

My AEG power drill seems to spark excessively at high RPM. Why does it do this and how can i fix it?

The drill barely sparks until the trigger is pushed just over three quaters of the way. after that point, excessive sparks seem to fly around the armature where the brushes are. Any ideas as to why it would be doing this and how i can fix it would be appreciated.

What caused my silk to go stiff and rough?

Maybe they were rinsed well enough. Try rinsing them again in plain cold water. And I'd say put them in the dryer on low temperature for a short while.

How long are Katy Perry concerts?

Usually the opening acts last about half an hour and the main act will last 1 hour and a half. Marinas going to put Katy to shame. Honestly. Marinas voice is even better than on the album <3 It's going to be loud. Get there early and be up front :D

I'm gonna be taking my girlfriend to marina del ray,CA in July for her birthday... ?

What's a nice restaurant in the area that would be appropriate for the occasion (romantic)? Both of us are 21. Website would be nice.

What do I do for my Min Pin who appears to have dermatitis with whelps..?

There are very very few things he could pass on to other dogs and being an inside dog the chances of him having one of those issues is next to none. So no reason for him to be confined. Next it is likely a reaction to something but without knowing what you are better off leaving it alone other than the bath until you can see a vet. Such a small breed should be given medicine by a vet only. Benadryl in a dog under 5 lbs can kill.

Do parents take their children on Hajj, or are Muslims instructed to go on Hajj as adults?

Parents are allowed to bring their children along for the sake of convenience, but it is not encouraged because it is believed to be distracting for the parent to be at constant alert of their child's safety. Also, the Hajj would not be accounted as a deed towards child because every individual is expected to make their journey to Mecca with their own earned/accumulated money. The traditional way is to make Hajj when one is married and can afford to go with their spouse.

Kickboxing Questions?

LOL.....Don't worry. Nobody is going to kick your butt when you're in there. Kickboxing is an excellent workout, and thats pretty much all it is. If you do spar, the teaher will most likely insist that you wait until you're more experienced with throwing punches and kicks. Especially TAKING them. All you can do to get ready for it is to work out. (Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, squats, calf raises) Just be ready for a hell of a workout. Those exercises I mentioned, they ARE boring, but they are old traditional excercises, and they're effective. Give it a try, and go to kickboxing with a smile on your face.

My yearling (horse) bites and kicks!?

Your yearling sounds exactly like mine did. He is a rescue and had very bad manners. It was to the point that we could not even go into the pasture. One time he reared up and came down on my husbands shoulders and nearly killed him. In January one of my horses coliced. When the vet came out to see him, Rocket was up to his old trick. He was really showing out. So when he took my colicky horse to his hospital, I sent Rocket along too thinking that gelding him would do the trick. WRONG! So I went to my local coop and ask this lady that worked there if she knew of someone who could take him and teach him some manners that wouldn't break me. That afternoon a young man called and told me that not only was he a trainer, but also a farrier. Rocket's feet looked horrible and he refused to stand for the farrier. So I let this young man take him to his farm for three weeks. He worked with him every day and when he brought him home, I thought it was someone else's horse. He is now very calm, stands for the farrier, no longer bites or kicks. I have had a life-long affiliation with horses, but to this day I don't know how to get them to behave, at least with situations such as this one. I strongly suggest you find someoone who has experience with yearlings and send him for some lessons in good manners. Believe me, you will never be sorry for doing this, you will be very thankful. Best Of luck to you

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue who is this actor????? PLEASE ANSWER?

In the episode "neptune's daughter" of power rangers lightspeed rescue. Who plays Marina? the mermaid whom is neptune's daughter

How to clean my glofish tank?

I am new to this fish thing. I have a Marina Cool 7 Goldfish Aquarium Kit and 3 Glofish with a filter. I have had them for 2 weeks and I'm freaking out because I have no idea how to clean it. I put those chemicals in it that the lady at petsmart told me to use. But the tank stinks really bad. Please help!

Operator # Has been locked out?

I work at walmart and today my operator number was locked out of the system for running cash registers. I hadn't had an incorrect punch all day. I came in at 9 am and opened the photo lab as instructed. Then I have an opening shift tomorrow and will be the only one working in the photo lab until 5 pm tomorrow. I doubt if I have cbls to do so I'm kinda curious as to what has happened.

Skin care routine help??!?

Put Clean& Clear acne spot treatment 3 times a day on the spots that you can't clear. It really works.

Dentistry question.. can bad teeth make you feel like this..?

can bad teeth (rotten, cavity, ETC) make you feel faint, dizzy alot, or make u sick.? im asking because i have bad teeth for about a year now i do brush but it never really helped lol. yes iknow ur probably thinkin ewww but as a kid i didnt brush i was a very lazy child lol but i started possibly too late so can bad teeth cause those symptoms.? also can bad teeth cause anxiety or depression?

I just got a 32 piece brush set and i dont now what half of them are for.?

i dont know what alot of the bushes are specificly used for. i have been looking on the internet for websites but i cant find anything. can anyone help please

I cut the inside of my mouth with my toothbrush last week and still hasn't healed?

Last week (maybe about 6 days ago) I was brushing my teeth as normal and I guess I went a little rough and the brush slipped from my teeth to the side of my mouth and cut it a bit but it wasn't bleeding. I just rinsed my mouth and went to bed thinking that it would heal in a day or two. And all these days have passed and it is STILL there and it hurts and stings when I eat or drink. I can't see the cut because it is on the very side and down of my mouth. Why hasn't it healed yet, its just a little cut, has it got something to do with saliva? Also should I get it checked with the doctor/dentist.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baby Girl Names!: Which Of These Combos Do You Like Best? +BQ.?

Srry i don't like any of them. I prefer Amiyah(Mia) Caterina & Leah Yvette or Eloise Amelia & Alexia Veronica(Vera).

Where can i buy a sunfish sailboat in seattle washington?

I'm looking for a laser performance sailboat perferably the sunfish a newer one i've been watching criaglist and none have really come up, is there any marina or boat dealer around the seattle or surrounding areas i can look? Please Help anything is useful

Messed up pokemon white egg. Please help!?

Which pokemon game do you have? Because I have heartgold and I use my action replay all the time and it never messes up

Did Hospice Kill My Dad with Morphine?

Yes they can go quite quickly like that. The morphine did not cause his death.The main goal in palliative care is comfort for the patient.5mg every 2-3 hours is quite acceptable. It is not only used for pain but for respiratory distress as well.

Sex and vibraters? Girls?

About the toothbrush.. uh idiot i dont use it to brush my teeth with.. lol & the reason i use the tooth brush is because when i was younger and had know way of buying a real vibrater i found that to work jus fine.. & now im jus use to it and don`t wanna get a real one.. sorry if you think thats weird thats your opinion.

What should I wear to a concert?

i went to a ke$ha concert and i just wore a t-shirt that had ke$ha on it and jeans so just wear a t-shirt that has there face on it

I am a marine electrician and boat rigger I have a customer who will not pay there bill of $825.00 ?

i'd go with jtexas's answer , you have done the work and supplied the parts , simple doesnt get it back until he pays you what he owes , or take the parts back out and sell them on .

What do you think of my short story?

i love it u should get this a little longer or turn it into a magizean that is the best short story i have ever read

Vote on your favorite?

Rosalind Elsie is a beautiful name. But when I was reading the name afterwards my mind kept telling me Rosalind-Kay Elsie. Like 2 first names. Anyways I like the 3rd one :) Good Luck

Any suggestions for faster hair growth?

My hair is about 2 inches longer than shoulder length and i really want to get it at least 2 inches longer than that by the time i go back to school in mid august! does anyone have any suggestions so that i can get my hair to start growing a little faster?? so far ive been moisturizing and brushing and braiding it alot

Why did my hair do this?

I bleached the underpart of my hair so i could put in temporary teal dye in it... it bleached out fine but when i put the teal dye in it and waited the 20 mins it instructed i went to wash it out and litteraly all washed straight out. why? (also about a week before i tried dying it black and the black dye did the exact same thing)

Could i use sally hansens brush on hair removal on my pubic area?

i just bough some yesterday and i was wondering if i could use it all over down there if im really careful. i know i cant get any inside of me because it would burn like hell, but i want to try it because shaving is just terrible for me and im afraid to get a wax. i would like to get one but im only 16 and would feel very uncomfortable to get one. :/ have any of you tried using this "down there" and how long should i keep it on for?

What do I need to Buy or get at Target!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?…

So Im completely reconstructing my make-up supply. Im planning on going to target....ive watched you tube videos and all but I still don't know what i need....So start with face,then do to cheeks,then lips,eyes, then if you feel like being generous put some hair and nail stuff in there....I really need answers fast so pleaassseeee answer quick. I have like 20$ so that should be enough. I need brushes and all that crap to so....Please answer quick!!!

Why am I on my period after only being off it for 7 days?

I am 21, I just got off Marina BC in NOV I have only had my period back for about 3 months. But this month I had it and 7 days later it is back. Not just spotting I know what that is.. this is a full blown period like my usual ones... I have had unprotected sex in the past week I dono if that would have something to do with it... if someone could please inform me on where to get more Information or has experienced this it would be awesome to here what you hae to say!

What should I wear to a concert?

something comfortable so u can just chill when necessary and rock out when necessary so yeah jeans and a shirt should be good.

How much do you think rent would be in marina district of San Francisco?

I'm looking to move in with others...maybe a room in a house. Something. I want to specifically be in the marina. I hate where I live I'm making some changes, since my family doesn't care to help me or anything...any word on what would be in a condo or town house?

I'm 17 and have always had thick wavy hair and I think I'm losing it?

I'm not stressed and I'm a very healthful eater. I eat many fruits, veggies, meats and protein. I'm in good shape and hair loss does not run in the family. I think my hair feels thinner and more comes out in the shower and when I brush it. What could be the cause of this?

Salt water rinse after wisdom tooth extraction?

its been 12 hours since my 4 wisdom extractions. I've been rinsing with salt and water as doctor has instructed. But when i rinse i see a little bit of blood but its not fresh blood it seems to be old blood, a little brownish in i doing something wrong?

I keep getting cavities?

I think it's really awsome that you have only had two cavities and you're a teenager. Do you have a spin brush or an electric toothbrush? If not, get one. The spin brush is under $10 and does such a great job of cleaning your teeth. I noticed a big improvement when I started using it. Other than that, watch sugary treats and soda. Drink more water. I hope you're drinking milk and eating yogurt which are rich in calcium and help keep your teeth strong. Good Luck Sweetie.

Will i get caught with my moped?

My grandma doesn't want me to use a moped i just bought but i think i could leave it at a marina really close to me. My brother and i have to share a car and work in opposite directions so it would be very convenient to use it. We start work at the same time so we would both drive to the moped and then go to work from there. I've never run into my grandma on the road and i have been working here for 4 years. My grandma would be very mad if she found out and would probably not want us to continue coming down to her summer house in the summers. I am 20 and my brother is 18.

Information on a young man who died when he fell from a train in Sydney (? Granville) in 1965 or 1966 ?

Hi - I would like to know the name of this man, as I am told that he is the brother of my father, who I am trying to locate. As this is the only key to my fathers name, this is my only hope in finding him. If you have any information on this man or his family, I would really appreciate it. I was told that he fell from the train at Granville Station in Sydney, or on the line from Granville to the city. If you have any suggestions on where else I could try to track this information, it would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Marina

Just a quick question regarding carp bait.?

Hi, I live near Lake Michigan and as a lot of you probably already know the carp in there are large and plentiful and given a certain amount of patience they are willing biters. I just have one problem. I've been using a commercial bait called "Uncle Josh Carp Bait" There's no doubt it's a good bait because it's bright colored, releases scent into the water nicely and it's easy to form into a dough-ball but the particular container of bait I bought was pretty soft and it's very hard to get it to stay on the hook. On the back of the tub it says that if the bait is too soft to mix it with fine dirt. I might try that as a last resort but in the mean time I'm searching for alternate methods. Does anybody know how to make an affective homemade carp bait that's nice and firm? You know, soft enough to be appealing to the fish but firm enough that it will stay on the hook with ease and withstand intense casting? Not that this is too huge a problem but I'm also looking for a bait that's appealing to carp but also something that those annoying nibbling sunfish will ignore and not destroy. Is there also a way that I could maybe keep the bait I already have on the hook easier? Maybe I should use regular bread dough, it seems pretty strong, would it work? Are carp attracted to large night crawlers? I know they work for catfish and they are almost guaranteed to stay on the hook but the sunfish and gobies would probably tear them up before the carp ever got to them. Well anyway thanks, I'm hoping to head out to the marina in again today so if there's a bait I could prepare in just a few hours that would be nice. I sure hope you fellow fishermen out there can help. Thanks a bunch.

English University Programs in Europe (Outside of UK)?

Hello. I'm looking to study a program taught in English at a European University which is reasonably affordable. Most of the private English Universities seem to charge 15 thousand + per tuition year and that seems like quite a bit. Does anyone know of any "cheaper" Universities which offer programs instructed in English (preferably within Germany, Switzerland, Austria)? Thanks in advance!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Do i have ocd? i'm not sure...?

Today Some girls in my class were talking about ocd and then when i walked over one of them said "Grace i think you have it" and they all agreed. I asked why and they said its because i always brush my hair and wash my hands and put hand sanitiser on. I don't think it is ocd but i'm not sure

Can I use my own pictures from previous employment?

I don't see that there would be a problem. If the pictures genuinely show your own work, then that's fine.

Sisterly love pregnancy argument?

Let her do the baby shower as to like games you will play, to help pick out the food and drinks and help with the gifts. Let her pick out the baby cake. I think she would love to do it.

What are fun things to do in Dubai?

I have kids of the age of 17 and younger, what can we do as a family? We are going to be living around Dubai Marina and Sheikh Zayed Rd.

Has anyone had dinner on the beach at Casa Marina Key West?

Well, if it's any consolation, for every bad review, there are a hundred people that had a great time and didn't even think about leaving a review.

Why do people (who are not traffic guards or officers) think they have the right to stop traffic?

I live close to a school. The speed limit on the road is 40 mph. It is becoming a common occurrence that I would be driving down the road and all of a sudden a parent or teacher would walk out into the road and throw up their arms like they are Jesus and force all of the cars to stop. They would then instruct the children or who ever to cross the road. Are people allowed to do this? They are not crossing guards or police officers. It also seems like a very dangerous practice because cars will be traveling 40 MPH and then all of a sudden need to randomly stop.

Rate these names? (names in my little sister's yearbook)?

Most of them sound like they belong to stuck up girls... but I think that all these names are very nice!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

How long after starting a course of antibiotics will I start feeling better?

IF it is a bacterial infection, you should start feeling marked relief within 3 days. If it is a cold, neither azithromycin nor any other antibiotic will touch it because it is a virus.

Mackerel fishing. Question about Mackerel fishing.?

Hey guys, so when I was younger I used to go with my friend down to the marina, and fish off the arm for mackerel. Now I want to star doing so again, because there's something about catching Mackerel, just Mackerel that I like. We used not live bait but these, feather things that pulled in like 3 or 4 mackerel at once, I'm sorry I can't be more specific but it was a long time ago. Also it would be as the sun was going down that all the mackerel would start gathering below the rocks in groups, I don't know why, but that's when all the mackerel would start showing there selves as the sun was going down. So could anbody give me some advice on a rod to buy just for catching mackerel and what bait I could use, live bait or non live bait, I don't really want to spend loads on a rod, as I will only be fishing off the arm for mackerel.

Twin girl names? Choose from my list of themes?

The only theme I like is the pretty combinations with names starting with different letters. I think they are all gorgeous names, but my favorite is Alexandra and Isabella.

How to be perfect, and beautiful? quick and fast?

the computer is taking over my life!! i used to be skinny, and healthy but now every morning when i get up my brain says "go on the computer now." please help! i want to be skinny again! also i never get up early anymore i get up at 4:00pm! my mom calls me a b***** because i'm so lazy also i always used to brush my teeth, and hair but now my teeth look terrible and my hair looks like its been attacked by a tornado please help me i'm only 13 thanks! -morgan

What name is best for Maeve's sister?

Violet- I think it's beautiful and flows really well with Maeve. Second choice would be Scarlet, because that is also really pretty!

Floating More Weird Names Around!?

honestly the girl names aren't weird marina is used a lot in the royal family i think. Melania sounds modernish though but very weird, rest are nice. Remember it has to be pretty too.

Weird messages on messenger and emails that he didn't send.?

I received a strange message from my husband via messenger last night when I know he couldn't possibly have sent one and this morning a ton of emails went out to all his contacts. All the messenger message said was "Hey There". I instructed my husband to change his password but I'm worried his accounts have been compromised. Is there anything else we can do?

What are the correct ratios for chest compressions to rescue breaths for children and infants?

(As instructed by the American Heart Association.) I know for adults, it's 30 compressions for every 2 breaths but what about for children and babies? Thank you.

Can anyone tell me what is Exactly included in the Marina Del Rey Wedding package?

My husband and I are looking to have our wedding ceremony and reception at Marina Del Rey in the Bronx but would like to know what is included in the wedding packages.

Had the jewish tithe changed at all by the time of Christ?

A tithe is a tithe no matter what or when. It's a pretty specific word. It means a tenth. To tithe literally means to give a tenth.

How do I reduce the current flow from my Marina i25 Internal filter?

I have a Marina i25 Internal filter which I am planning to use for my Betta fish. However, I am afraid that the current from the mini waterfall of the filter may be too intense. How can I reduce this water current? I do not think that I can submerge the filter.

Where can i watch these characters if blocked in the country on the computer?

i love the storyline between julia and marina two lesbian spanish charcters and i used to watch it on youtube. i havent watched it in a while but i went back and now all the viedeos are blocked because its not allwod in our country and i even searched on google. is there a way i can get through to watch them or another website?

Why do flat topped, fuller makeup brushes provide more coverage with foundation?

Why do brushes like this, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a (it's the one labeled powder brush in case the link doesnt work), usually provide more coverage when applying foundation, as opposed to brushes like this, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where can I get a free full version of Youda Marina?

I've searched everywhere for a free FULL version that doesn't have a virus.... I have Youda Camper FREE full version, I'd be willing to give that to someone(you can re-download the game on different computers and use the same access code)

Why do some people discredit the dead sea scrolls as genuine, when the bible was 'discovered' the same way?

There is also no proof that what was put in the bible was not genuinely put there by apostles/holy men who were instructed by 'god'.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Is it really a shih tzu puppy?

I found an apricot colored puppy, that the owner claims is a maltese/shih tzu mix. He has an apple-shaped head, and is super tiny and mellow, but he sheds kind of a lot. These 2 breeds are said to not shed at all, so I wonder if it is those breeds. The owner said that the puppy is only shedding because it's summer, and they changed its food type, and it hasn't been brushed out yet. Could it really be a shih tzu? thanks!

My horse back riding lesson horse made riding unbearable....?

And I quit horseback riding awhile back, mostly because of the instructor and frustation at riding that horse .Let me give you some examples and background information. The instructor bought this 20-something year old horse that would not follow any commands, although she had a previous owner. She hardly was even able to when she arrived at the stables. Her first rider was a 9 year old basically training it, which I find astonishing and highly unsafe (the little girl ended up quiting too.) My instructor is a terrific rider and trainer, but refused to take the time to work often with this horse because "she was too uncomfortable, hurt her back, and didn't have the time," as said in the instuctor's own words. The horse was very sway backed to the point of where a trot was spine jolting, and made worse by the horse's nervousness. It was always very irritated, frightened and I had to work hard at CONSTANTLY keeping her head down and relaxed, which she always tried to fling around while foaming at the mouth. I have always kept confidence in myself while riding her, and kept calm which was my instructors main motivation for always putting me on the horse. There was a rainy day when she spooked and tried to run me over. There were countless days where I would have to FIGHT with this horse to pick her hoofs. There was always a thought in my head that at anymore this horse could wipe me off the side of a wall. This is really the only horse she would put me on because I outgrew the rest and I was the only one most experienced to ride her. My question is, am I wrong in thinking that she was trying to kill me? :p but seriously, is this really bad instructing and if I was to continue lessons again, should I not return to her(she's the closest in my area)? Or should i suck it up and see it as riding a difficult horse taught me much more than I would have learned on any other horse?