Friday, July 15, 2011

Cavities in a 2 year old?

All of my five kids started seeing the dentist at about one or one and a half. We brushed (and they do on their own now) their teeth regularly and flossed daily. None of my kids had any cavities until one of my twins just recently. They are identical in every way, they eat the same, they brush their teeth with the same type of toothbrush and paste and at the same time. They don't drink soda, kool-aid or tea. They have the same diets and dental routines but one has perfect teeth with no cavities and the other has cavities on both sides of her mouth and even has a little bit of nerve damage on one of the teeth. Our normal pediatric dentist doesn't fix cavities on children that young and referred us to an pediatric oral surgeon about an hour away. This is because they usually want to sedate and use laughing gas on children this young to eliminate any fear later on in life and so that they are not traumatized. The side effects of sedation are minimal to the damage that can be done to the nerves if the cavities go without being delt with, even though they will loose them eventually. Don't get yourself down, our dentist told us that some kids just have bad teeth, and some kids can go without brushing and have no problems. As long as you are keeping her teeth clean and limiting the sugary drinks that can coat her teeth and just stay there, you are doing great. One of my daughters issues may be that they drink soy milk, which can be very sweet, but the dentist still told me that there are kids that just have bad teeth. Make sure you prep your daughter lots before the appointment. The thing that scared my kids the most was the size of the dentist chair and when it lay ed all the way back flat. Good luck

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