Friday, July 15, 2011

Canker sores after tooth extracted?

I had my second to last top molar pulled the other day due to root resorption. I am scheduled for an implant in 2 weeks. It didn't hurt one bit. The next morning I was a little swollen, and there was a little pain where the noNovocaineas injected, but nothing bad. Now, today, the 3rd day, I have this horrible pain, but its not from where the tooth was pulled...I developed these canker sores on the tops of my gums above where the tooth was pulled, but not right next to the extraction site, at the very top of my gums, where it joins my cheek, and there's about 2 or 3 of them. I get them every now and them from trauma to my gums (like if I slip brushing, or stab myself with something I eat-like potato chips, etc) But that's not the case here...I think maybe the dentist's instruments may have done this? They didnt mention that they slipped or that I would develop canker sores. It hurts really bad...but not from the extraction. Is this normal, and what can I do to help them heal faster?

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