Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How do I know if a guy from my church likes me?

Well there is this guy who comes to sing with us more than occasionally at my church and i"ve grown to like him alot. The only problem is im 16 and he's 21 but I dont look my age. He usually gives me high fives tide to a tight hand shake, smiles at me (which is sooo dreamy) and instructs my singing. Also he kinda goes out of his "way" to say hello and stuff. nothing to major. Anyway, just yesterday he said he thought I was singing on stage with him and since i didnt he was mad, and he said that will a smile(: i really hope he likes me but im afriad he wont say or so anything because he's a church goer. HELP! HOW DO I KNOW!?!??!?

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